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Tangled Beauty

Sunday  2 February 2025 – Zele

Model: Jana De Guchtenaere
Pictures by: Amariliz Photography. Pinterest pictures: credits to all the artists involved.


Rope as one of the most important inventions in our human development. 

Plant fibers, like cotton or hemp, or animal hair like sheep or llama wool, twisted together into string. Without string and yarn, no spears, no bow, no cloth, no clothes.

Let’s honour this invention and bring it together with it’s beautiful end product, fashion. 

Let’s take you with us on this rustic and elegant journey.

Model – Jana De Guchtenaere


More about Jana

I’m a freelance model, stylist and hairstylist, living in Ghent. 6 years ago, besides my work as a speech therapist, modelwork and styling became my passion. I model concepts as portrait, beauty, fashion, editorial and art: bodypaint. I combine the rules of posing with a lot of expression and a special Jana-touch of flow posing. Commercial and non commercial work. I am proudly signed by Jackie Lee – Antwerp, as people model. Two years ago, my passion for fashion guided me to fund my own styling company BEdressed.

I’m used to work with photographers of all backgrounds and experience levels. People know me as a creative, easy going and patient model. For me, creating beautiful work together is on the same level as a pleasant shooting time together.


Concept and styling

We bring you BEdressed dresses and outfits combined with Amariliz Photography are beautiful rope art. A play of rustic and elegance.
We provide sufficient combinations, options and variation for all photographers to create unique images. As a photographer, you decide when Jana changes clothes and what she wears. We complete the outfit with a fitting rope tie.

Mua and hairstyle by Jana DG.

Studio and lightning


By Amariliz photography, Studio Momentum. All materials in the studio may be used freely. There are a lot of props, chairs, stools, cubes … you can use as decor. You only need to bring your own camera and lenses. You are free to change the light setups yourself or be assisted by Guido. 

Info studio and material

Way of work


75  minutes slots to work one on one with the model. We add this extra 15 minutes for outfit and rope changes, to maximise your actual shooting time. One, two or three hours booking possible.

Sunday 2 February 2025


Tijdslot 1: 10:30 – 11:45   BOOKED
Tijdslot 2: 12:00 – 13:15   BOOKED
Break 13:15 – 13:45

Tijdslot 3: 13:45 – 15:00   BOOKED
Tijdslot 4: 15:15 – 16:30   BOOKED
Tijdslot 5: 16:45 – 18:00  BOOKED
Break 18:00 – 18:30
Tijdslot 6: 18:30 – 19:45   BOOKED
Tijdslot 7: 20:00 – 21:15   BOOKED


Slot of 75 minutes for €139 (all in)
Bookings of 1, 2 or 3 slots possible.


BEdressed dress rental